Special Event at the New Beverly Cinema
in Los Angeles!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
midnite - JOYSTiCKS – Directed by Greydon Clark. Containing: Jonathan Gries, Joe Don Baker, Jim Greenleaf, Leif Green, Scott McGinnis, Corrine Bohrer 1983, 88min SUPER RARE 35MM PRINT.
SPECIAL GUESTS:Jonathan Gries (King Vidiot), Jim Greenleaf (McDorfus) and the legendary director, Greydon Clark!!!
This forgotten T&A classic not only has the greatest theme song of the 1980's ("Totally awesome video games!"), it combines everything you loved from that preposterous decade: Valley girls, arcades, nerds, slobs, boobies, left-over hippies and the all time greatest punk gang, The Vidiots (led brilliantly by Jonathan Gries of Napoleon Dynamite
fame.) Help save the arcade from being closed down by those evil conservative townsfolk and yeah... play some games while you're at it!
You will not find another movie that genuinely captures the video game craze of the early 80's. Preceeded by a gaggle of classic T&A trailers. Not available on DVD!