“20th Anniversary of John Woo’s FACE/OFF (1997) in 35mm”
March 5, 2018
6:30 pm

Directed by John Woo
Cinematography by Oliver Wood
Containing Nicolas Cage, JohnTravolta, Joan Allen, Margaret Cho, Gina Gershon, Dominque Swain
Pitting John Travolta (fresh off of PULP FiCTiON) against Nicolas Cage (hot off of winning an Oscar for LEAViNG LAS VEGAS) this schizo-surreal extravaganza plays out even more psychotic now than it did 20+ years ago! Hong Kong Action extraordinaire, John Woo found a way to exploit Hollywood’s ham-fisted, clown-crazy production values with arthouse thoughtfulness. Think Raoul Walsh’s WHiTE HEAT (1949) and John Frankenheimer’s SECONDS (1966) meets Michael Bay’s BAD BOYS II (2003). You don’t want to miss this genuine blockbuster from a beautiful Widescreen 35mm Print. (The projectionist has promised to crank the Oscar winning Sound Effects up to 11!) Rated R for intense sequences of strong violence, and for strong language. 138 minutes.