Two movies, One Legend. Come out for this special event where we take a look back through Mr. Peter Bogdanovich’s 50+ year career with the man himself IN PERSON!

“Peter Bogdanovich’s 80TH BiRTHDAY BASH Double Bill w/ Q&A In Person!”
September 22, 2019
The Last Picture Show: Director's Cut
1:00 pm

Directed by Peter Bogdanovich
Written by Larry McMurtry
Cinematography by Robert Surtees
Containing Timothy Bottoms, Jeff Bridges, Ellen Burstyn, Ben Johnson, Cloris Leachman, Cybill Shepherd, Eileen Brennan, Clu Gulager
This devastatingly beautiful adaptation of Larry McMurtry’s novel captured small town America so profoundly, that as we near its 50th Anniversary, it can still evoke that initial excitement of why one falls in love with cinema in the first place.
Robert Surtees’ gleaming B&W cinematography is both a farewell to the old Westerns of the 1940s/50s and paves the road to the wider screens of New Hollywood.
Nominated for 8 Academy Awards and sporting Oscar performances by Cloris Leachman and Ben Johnson and kickstarting roles for Jeff Bridges and Cybil Shepherd, this is one of the greatest American films, period. DCP 126min Director’s Cut. Followed by a Q&A with Peter Bogdanovich
Saint Jack
4:00 pm
Directed by Peter Bogdanovich
Written by Paul Theroux
Containing Ben Gazzara, George Lazenby, Denholm Elliott
Shot in 1978, entirely on location in a very seamy Singapore, this forgotten Peter Bogdanovich masterpiece of the 1970s gave Ben Gazzara one of the greatest understated performances of the decade.
In fact, Roger Ebert stated that Bogdanovich had truly bounced back by getting “Everything right again. Everything.” Don’t miss the first Bay Area screening since its release 40 years ago. Bay Area Premiere of new 4K Restoration DCP. 112 minutes. Introduced by Peter Bogdanovich + Hosted by Jesse Hawthorne Ficks + FREE Handmade screen prints to every attendee.
Rated a hard R (for sex, nudity, violence, profanity, alcohol, drugs, smoking, intense scenes.)