“A GENUiNE TRiBUTE to Tom Waits Double Bill in 35mm – Chris Blum’s BiG TiME (1988) + Jim Jarmusch’s DOWN BY LAW (1986)”
October 18, 2017
Down By Law
7:00 pm

Directed by Jim Jarmusch
Cinematography by Robby Müller
Containing Tom Waits, Roberto Benigni, John Lurie, Ellen Barkin, Nicoletta Braschi
Jim Jarmusch’s deliciously deadpan comedy is even more poignant now than it was upon its release 30+ years ago. With Robby Müller’s glorious black and white camerawork gliding through the cinematic streets and swamps of New Orleans, its the pitch perfect cast led by Tom Waits and John Lurie (both of whom who scored the film) along with Ellen Barkin, Nicoletta Braschi and Roberto Benigni’s priceless performances that could make this one of your all time favorite films. Come find out at this 35mm screening courtesy of Janus Films. Preceded 35mm trailers by other Jim Jarmusch gems.
Big Time
9:15 pm

Directed by Chris Blum
Containing Tom Waits
Chris Blum’s unforgettably unique documentary of Tom Waits late-1980s live show has to be seen to be believed! Oddly enough, it never had a proper theatrical release in the US and is still unavailable on any home media! Scripted by Tom Waits and musical collaborator (and partner in crime) Kathleen Brennan, this mesmerizing and surreal live show (shot in Los Angeles and San Francisco circa Waits’ albums Frank’s Wild Years and Rain Dogs) will leave you begging to watch it all over again! Do not miss this EXTREMELY RARE 35MM SCREENiNG courtesy of Park Circus screened from the only known 35mm print in existence! Special guest, director Chris Blum IN PERSON!