“Alice Cooper’s 70TH BiRTHDAY BASH Double Bill in 35mm”
August 9, 2018
Wayne's World
7:00 pm

Directed by Penelope Spheeris
Containing Mike Myers, Dana Carvey, Rob Lowe, Tia Carrere, Alice Cooper
“We’re not worthy!” Come celebrate the 25th Anniversary of director Penelope Spheeris’ ode to Heavy Metal with this sly, slapstick and even subversive take on the music industry. Follow Wayne (Mike Myers) & Garth (Dana Carvey), a couple of high school “teenagers” as they are tempted with fame and fortune from hosting a cable access show within their downstairs basement. this side-splitting, This unstoppably hilarious parody captures the adolescent youth of 1990s America in a way that has to be seen in a theater. Show-stopping cameo by Alice Cooper kicks off our 70th Birthday Bash for the “Godfather of Shock Rock”! Rated PG-13. Original 35mm print from Paramount. 94 minutes.
Alice Cooper's Welcome To My Nightmare
9:10 pm

Directed by David Winters
Containing Alice Cooper
Written by Alan Rudolph; Directed by David Winters
Fusing psychedelic rock music with a hypnotic stage-show and a splash of Horror film theatrics, Alice Cooper has truly paved the road for a countless bands over the past 50 years. In 1975, Cooper made his quintessential concept album “Welcome to My Nightmare” utilizing everything from Lou Reed’s back up band to B-Movie icon Vincent Price (who Michael Jackson would hire 10 years later on THRiLLER). This live concert film was made on the quick, during Cooper’s over-the-top UK tour, showcasing jaw-dropping Grand Guignol inspired exhibitionism, weeks before his alcoholic nervous breakdown that sent him to the “loony bin”. This original 35mm print from 1976 was a cult classic hit at midnite! DON’T MiSS THiS EXTREMELY RARE EXPERiENCE! Preceded by some Alice Cooper influenced trailers! 84min.