“DiRECTOR’S CUTS Double Bill: Ridley Scott’s BLADE RUNNER (1982/2013)+ Terry Gilliam’s BRAZiL (1985)”
December 16, 2018
Blade Runner: The Final Cut
6:00 pm

Directed by Ridley Scott
Written by Phillip K. Dick
Cinematography by Jordan Cronenweth
Containing Harrison Ford, Sean Young, Rutger Hauer, Edward James Olmos, Darryl Hannah
Director Ridley Scott’s acknowledged masterpiece, BLADE RUNNER is also one of the most influential films of the past 30 years. A dazzling fusion of retro-noir and future paranoia, set in a decaying, rain-drenched Los Angeles dominated by Mayan pyramids of unimaginable wealth. Harrison Ford stars as the government-sanctioned killer who falls in love with gorgeous, enigmatic Sean Young, while trying to eliminate Rutger Hauer and his rogue band of genetically engineered replicants. 1982/2007.
Brazil: Director's Cut
8:30 pm

Directed by Terry Gilliam
Cinematography by Roger Pratt
Containing Robert De Niro, Jonathan Pryce, Katharine Helmond, Bob Hoskins, Ian Holm, Michael Palin, Kim Griest
Director Terry Gilliam’s groundbreaking science fiction satire is an anachronistic masterpiece. Winner of the Los Angeles Film Critics Award for Best Picture, Best Director and Best Screenplay (Gilliam, Charles McKeown and theater legend Tom Stoppard). Inspired by George Orwell’s 1984 and Fritz Lang’s METROPOLiS (1926), this darkest of comedies pits Everyman Jonathan Pryce against a world of crushing conformity, pursuing elusive love Kim Greist. Featuring fellow Python Michael Palin as upwardly mobile Jack Lint and Robert De Niro as an outlaw heating engineer. Its jaw-dropping retro-futuristic design helped give birth to the steampunk genre. 1985.