“CHEERLEADiNG CHAOS Double Bill in 35mm: BRiNG IT ON (2001) + REVENGE OF THE CHEERLEADERS (1976) w/ Q&A In Person!”
April 24, 2017
Bring It On
7:00 pm

Directed by Peyton Reed
Written by Jessica Bendinger
Cinematography by Shawn Maurer
Containing Kirsten Dunst, Jesse Bradford, Eliza Dushku, Gabrielle Union
Teen heartthrobs Kirsten Dunst and Gabrielle Union go head to head in this politically-charged, racially-explosive, queer-positive, teen-angst, cheerleading-competition film! Who would have guessed that the debut feature by Peyton Reed (Ant-Man) would not only become a celebrated Broadway musical but has now earned the right to be ranked alongside CLUELESS (1995) and MEAN GiRLS (2004) as one of the eras defining coming-of-age flicks?! Bust out your toothbrushes, pom poms and spirit fingers and bring your favorite naysayer friends to celebrate a 35mm screening of this genuinely brilliant teen classic. Preceded by trailers of other Y2K teen classics. 35mm print courtesy of Universal. Rated PG-13. 98min
Revenge of the Cheerleaders
9:00 pm

Directed by Richard Lerner
Written by Nathaniel Dorsky
This unstoppably hilarious T&A cheerleading-competition classic not only sports some of the weirdest and wackiest sequences in the history of 1970s exploitation cinema, it will sincerely stun you at how realistic and even revolutionary it deals with many of its high school dilemmas. With Bay Area experimental filmmaker Nathaniel Dorsky jam-packing the screenplay with bubble bath orgies, drug induced food fights, full-frontal nudity and David Hasselhoff’s bare-ass debut, this major influence on Quentin Tarantino’s DEATH PROOF is an evening you can not afford to skip. Original 35mm grindhouse print from UNCSA! Rated R. 88 minutes.