** SPECiAL NOTE: This event will be very packed, so ADVANCE TICKETS are recommended! DON’T MiSS THiS ONCE IN A LiFETiME TRiPLE BiLL! **

April 13, 2012
Lost in Translation
7:15 pm

Directed by Sofia Coppola
Containing Scarlett Johansson, Bill Murray
Placing this existential comedy in Japan seemed to ruffle some feathers at the time of its release but as the 10th Anniversary approaches, it’s time to recognize that Sofia Coppola’s second feature is not only one of the most defining films of the decade, it solidified the underrated comedian, Bill Murray; Giving him the ultimate man-child role that will be celebrated in every future film history book. Showcasing Lance Acord’s aesthetically profound cinematography mixed with brilliantly conceived wacky antics, culminating into one helluva realistic relationship romp. –A kind of Hal Ashby’s HAROLD AND MAUDE (1971) meets Roberto Rossellini’s JOURNEY IN ITALY (1953).– Not to mention Scarlett Johansson’s hauntingly apathetic performance which now eerily represents an entire generation. And all of it is backed by such hipster tunes as My Bloody Valentine, Peaches and Phoenix. Do not miss this contemporary classic on the big screen! Preceded by other amazing Sofia Coppola trailers!
Battle Royale
9:30 pm

Directed by Kinji Fukasaku
Written by Kenta Fukasaku
Containing Tatsuya Fujiwara, Aki Maeda, Tarô Yamamoto, Chiaki Kuriyama, Takeshi Kitano
You better get your advance tickets for this is the San Francisco Premiere of “the mother of all survival films!” This epic Japanese teensploitation flick will literally be one of the most intense Castro Theatre experiences you will ever hope to have! A brilliant allegory of coming-of-age within our violent classrooms is taken to a whole new level when our futuristic government removes our High School students from their comfort zones and throws them into an unknown forest of absolute anarchy. With jaw-dropping camera-work, vicious-violence, and relentless performances by Chiaki Kuriyama (Gogo from Quentin Tarantino’s KILL BILL: Volume 1) and the stone-faced genius of Takeshi Kitano, you have not only the inspiration for the entire HUNGER GAMES franchise, you have a genuine modern masterpiece. Unrated 114min Theatrical Version.
House (Hausu)
11:45 pm

Directed by Nobuhiko Ohbayashi
Written by Chiho Katsura
Containing Kimiko Ikegami, Miki Jinbo, Kumiko Ohba, Ai Matsubara, Mieko Satô, Eriko Tanaka, Masayo Miyako
Inspired by the “eccentric musings” of Japanese director Obayashi’s eleven-year-old daughter, this surreal extravaganza is a film that has the power to utterly change your life. Having no official release in the U.S. until 2010 by Criterion, HAUSU evidently has successfully blown some people’s minds with it’s seemingly abstract-and-relentless randomness. But tonite’s screening is a truly neo-sincere event in which I officially double-dare you to come out and attempt to uncover the misunderstood “mad scientist” brilliance of this profoundly artistic and uncompromised achievement. Not only does every contemporary hipster artist wish they could create even one sequence from this phantasmagoric gem, but I also dare say it should rank as high up as Alfred Hitchcock’s VERTiGO (1958) and Bob Rafelson’s HEAD (1968). What an insanely beautiful way to round out an evening of three deeply moving, coming-of-age journeys. Miss this nite and… cry. Preceded by trailers of some other underrated abstract gems!