“John Cusack’s 49th BiRTHDAY BASH Double Bill in 35mm – SAY ANYTHiNG (1989) + HiGH FiDELiTY (2000)”
June 12, 2015
Say Anything
7:20 pm

Directed by Cameron Crowe
Containing John Cusack, Lili Taylor, Ione Skye
Tonite, we will celebrate John Cusack’s career as he prepares himself for the big 49 (on June 28.) Cameron Crowe’s directorial debut is a down-right romantic masterpiece that deserves to be celebrated in the same ranks as Roman Holiday (1953), Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961) and The Way We Were (1973). Lloyd Dobler (Cusack) has just graduated high school and other than wanting to become the world’s greatest kickboxing champion, he wants to ask out the class valedictorian, Diane Court (Skye). Not only is the chemistry between these two a truly magical cinematic experience, but the true-to-life side-characters (We love you Lili Taylor) will evoke more teen nostalgia than any of your old spiral bound journals. You may have watched this film many times before on your TV, but how many of you have actually experienced it in the greatest movie theatre of the United States?! (Peter Gabriel fans know what I am talking about.) Preceded by a carload of Cusack 35mm trailers
High Fidelity
9:30 pm

Directed by Stephen Frears
Containing John Cusack, Jack Black, Tim Robbins, Iben Hjejle
Proving that John Cusack might just be the Dustin Hoffman of his generation, this delightfully dark comedy (which feels like an unofficial sequel to Say Anything) is a down-right jaw-dropping reflection of record collectors and musicologists. Come celebrate the film’s 15th Anniversary as Cusack, who has perhaps never been better, embodies Rob, an LP obsessed, thirty-something record store owner, who begins an epic journey of retracing his issues surrounding relationship commitment, work-ethic and his inevitable future. Outrageously hilarious performances by Jack Black, Tim Robbins and the underrated, soft-spoken Todd Louiso, this adaptation of Nick Hornby’s uncomfortably defining novel is so beautifully done (the author approved the film entirely), it’s sure to be an epiphany-filled nite for many of the evening’s audience members. And with the jam-packed soundtrack finally getting a US record release, it might mean the film is even more relevant now to this reinvigorated vinyl generation than upon its original release. Preceded by a milkcrate of Cusack 35mm trailers.