In 1988, David Lynch & Mark Frost pitched the concept to create a decade defining TV series that many consider the show that started this new golden era of serial-TV! Calling all fans of David Lynch and the TWiN PEAKS series as well as those of you who’ve been meaning to get around to it!

“TWiN PEAKS TRiBUTE Double Bill – PEYTON PLACE (Restored DCP) + BLUE VELVET (1986) in 35mm”
May 11, 2017
Peyton Place
6:45 pm

Directed by Mark Robson
Containing Lana Turner, Russ Tamblyn
60th Anniversary restored DCP screening!
This 1957 adaptation of Grace Metalious’ controversial novel is perhaps the biggest influence on David Lynch’s TWiN PEAKS. A subversive soap-opera that was surprisingly nominated for nine Oscars, unmasked the moral hypocrisy of a small fictional American mill town in the years surrounding World War II. Scripted by John Michael Hayes (hot off writing Hitchcock’s REAR WiNDOW and THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH) and showcasing a daring performance by Lana Turner (as well as Russ Tamblyn aka Dr. Jacoby), PEYTON PLACE has slipped through the cracks of film history (perhaps upstaged by the T.V. show adaptions.) It now deserves to be ranked alongside the classic mid-1950s social critiques: REBEL WiTHOUT A CAUSE, BiGGER THAN LiFE, ALL THAT HEAVEN ALLOWS and IMiTATiON OF LiFE. Come out to the restored 60th Anniversary (DCP) screening and uncover this unique and equally disturbing sub-genre of “Film Noir”, which could be defined as “Film-Blanc.” 162 minutes.
Blue Velvet
9:45 pm

Directed by David Lynch
Containing Kyle MacLachlan, Lauara Dern, Isabella Rossellini, Dennis Hopper
David Lynch made his surreal mark in Hollywood with this unofficial prequel to TWiN PEAKS. College student Jeffrey Beaumont (Kyle MacLachlan) comes back home to uncover the disturbing undertow in his small American town. Setting the stage for everything TWiN PEAKS, this 1980s throwback to the 1950s is more than essential viewing as we prepare for the return of the greatest TV show to ever air on network television. DId I mention Angelo Badalamenti did the haunting score for this as well? 35mm print courtesy of Park Circus. 120 minutes. Rated R.