“Weird Wednesdays: Chun-Ku Lu’s HOLY FLAME OF THE MARTiAL WORLD (1983)”
April 10, 2019
Holy Flame of the Martial World
10:00 pm

Directed by Lu Chin-ku
Containing Leanne Lau, Phillip Kwok, Siu Chung-mok
Sparks! Lasers! Cartoon ghosts, zombies, and demons! The Shaw brother’s production, HOLY FLAME OF THE MARTIAL WORLD, is a pure sword-clanking, gonzo kung fu fantasy that defy’s description, gravity, and logic. Don’t blink or you’ll miss the amazing, eye-popping wire-fu, murderous laughter, snakes used as weaponry, flying swords, somersaults, and candy-colored, flesh-peeling energy bolts.(Jazmyne Moreno)